Monday, January 18, 2010

Feels a lot like home

There is something about eating D24 durians and sambal stingray with old friends that makes Singapore feel a lot more like home.
To be honest, I was quite the grouch when I first landed. The thought of being stuck had a paralyzing effect on my return.
From a life of trotting across the expanses of Central and South America, to suddenly trying to set up a home again in a country smaller than anything I'd experienced in the past 7 years, was a little more challenging than I had expected.
Tonight I drove home through my old neighborhood to my current one, with a belly plied silly with popiahs, chicken rice, KK and D24 durians lovingly prepared by Lin and her family. The old comfort of being home finally started to sink in, with the knowledge that folks who'd known me since I was a kid, still cared about me, no matter how long I'd been gone.
This listless wanderer is coming to realize that home really is whereever God would have you. Vague as that concept may seem at the time.